
Hey, Girl! đź‘‹ come on in , Welcome

I’m beyond excited to kick off this journey together. I’ve put this off for too long, and the moment to start is finally here. 🚀

I’m launching this space because we need it. YOU need it. I need it. Our stories hold unique value that only we can tell, and they empower the next woman in line. I thought, looked at my life, looked at my stories and thought

“Who else needs to hear this?”

This is for women who aren’t afraid to be challenged.

  • Moms in the workforce or stay-at-home moms, ready to dig deeper.
  • Wives prepared to transform their hearts.
  • Daughters eager to take their positions and know their identities.

A prayer answered

About five years ago, I prayed to God, asking if I could be in full-time ministry. Back then, I imagined full-time ministry as:

  • Traveling and speaking engagements.
  • Leading workshops and church events.
  • Basically, leaving my job to minister to people full-time.

Fast forward to 2022, and I was “promoted” to a customer (I got fired) from a career I’d been in for seven years. I was distraught and confused. I thought I’d be retiring there. Sitting in my living room with my then 2-year-old son, I felt like a complete failure.

That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit clearly say, “You asked to be in full-time ministry, and this is it.” My eyes opened. This wasn’t the full-time ministry I had imagined, but it was exactly where I needed to be. I started digging deeper, learning about my identity as a woman, my position as a daughter, and my role as a wife and mom and in the day by day I began to be transformed.